A community collaborative coming together to address addiction.

Join the #NoShame Movement – Johns Creek

Stigma and shame are huge barriers for many people in asking for help. 

Stigma is the No. 1 reason people do not get treatment.

In fact, about 50% of people experiencing mental health challenges and addiction do not get the help they need. (SAMHSA)

  • Nearly 108,000 Americans lost their lives to overdoses in 2021 (CDC) which is equivalent to 275 people dying per day. For context, a Boeing 737 carries 188 passengers so it would be like losing nearly 1.5 planes of people per day. This is the highest number of Americans lost to overdoses ever recorded.
  • Nearly 74 million Americans aged 18 or older reported having a substance use or mental health disorder in 2020, according to the latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
  • Nearly 46,000 Americans die by suicide annually with approximately 1.2 million estimated attempts (CDC).
  • About 1 in 3 college students report dealing with a mental illness (Safe Project).
  • 23 million Americans are in recovery (facesandvoicesofrecovery.org).
  • 90% of Americans who meet the clinical criteria for addiction started using substances before the age of 18 (CASA of Columbia).

We want people to know that it is OK, not to be OK! Pathways2Life and One Johns Creek are partnering with The Safe Project using their national stigma campaign to educate and equip others on mental health and addiction. There is No Shame in getting help or in talking about mental health and addiction. Join us in a nationwide movement by signing this pledge to end stigma and support others in speaking up.

It’s OK not to be OK!

Help Stop the Stigma: Take the No Shame Pledge

Click below to take the pledge to support the No Shame Movement and commit to saving lives by fighting the stigma.

Ask your network to get involved and take the pledge!

Remember, please keep in contact with us as you share, and:

  • Always use the hashtag #NoShameJC and #NoShameJohnsCreek
  • Like, share, and tag One Johns Creek (@onejohnscreek) and Pathways2Life (@pathways2life) on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Send us news articles referencing the No Shame campaign at onejohnscreek@pathways2life.org.
  • Let us know about any feedback you receive.

JOIN THE #NoShameJC – #NoShameJohnsCreek Movement

Interested in joining the #NoShameJC movement at a corporate/organizational level?

Thank You!
Thank you for your support in helping to spread awareness and shine a light on stigma. Together, we can save a life every day!

– One Johns Creek and Pathways2Life Team