A community collaborative coming together to address addiction.

Addiction Is Real and Can Be The Person Closest To You.

Did You Know?


Overdose deaths involving methamphetamine between 2009 and 2019 – drugabuse.gov


Drug Types/Info

The Get Smart About Drugs website by the Drug Enforcement Administration is a great resource for identifying drugs, their street names, their use and paraphernalia, and their effects on users.

Addiction and Mental Health/Suicide

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, a number of recent national surveys have helped shed light on the relationship between alcohol and other drug use and suicidal behavior. A review of minimum-age drinking laws and suicides among youths age 18 to 20 found that lower minimum-age drinking laws was associated with higher youth suicide rates. In a large study following adults who drink alcohol, suicide ideation was reported among persons with depression. In another survey, persons who reported that they had made a suicide attempt during their lifetime were more likely to have had a depressive disorder, and many also had an alcohol and/or substance abuse disorder. In a study of all non-traffic injury deaths associated with alcohol intoxication, over 20 percent were suicides. Find out more.

Continuum of Care


Not sure how to prevent drug or alcohol use? Or what to do if you suspect or have discovered substance use? We have the science- and research-backed information to help you help your child.